Louise Reid is a qualified horticulturist [Lincoln University] of 40 years experience in the horticulture industry.



Are you tired of not getting the right answers to your questions at theFicus garden centre?
Spending heaps of money on plants that either end up looking sick or diseased or worse still die on you?
Wondering what would grow best in that corner?

Well I can help you with all of that.

In fact I may have helped you in recent times at Palmers Garden Centre in Orakei Rd Remuera. Now I can come to your house and help you achieve the look you are wanting.

I can help and show you how to sort the garden.

On the other hand you may decide to have someone do this for you. I have on hand a team of qualified people with expertise in different fields who can organise your garden . Within this team we have a Landscape Designer, Turf Specialist, Arborist, Irrigation Specialist, hard and soft landscaping team, tool men, and a Maintenence team.


If you do use any of these people, I am then happy to oversee all work done.Dryden

So depending on how much you want to do for yourself, you decide.

Whether its just simple advice you need -or if you wish to have a reliable and cost-effective team to do it all for you.

Call me directly on 021575838

Or drop me a line at louise@louisereidgardens.co.nz

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